CTV report David Akin (c. 23 May)
Link to right 'David Akin on Grewal's story, 3:06'
David Akin (snipped)
Grewal: Whatever you call it, whether you call it 'setting it up', whether you call it a good Samaritan, Canadians have ... I wanted Canadians to know that the Liberals are ... sunk that level that they are making these offers to members of parliament.
David Akin (snipped)
Grewal: He made offers, which are on tape; he told me how to abstain, and how to make different arrangements. He made two offers, diplomatic as well as an ambass... uh ... senate position for my wife.
David Akin (snipped) Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh says that Grewal made the first move and that the Liberals did nothing wrong.
Dosanjh: 'The discussion was obviously started by him and we were carrying on the discussion within the appropriate framework.
David Akin: Both sides agree that there was a go-between, Sadish Kalia a friend of both Grewal and Dosanjh. Kalia says Grewal has it wrong.
Kalia: 'When he says they offered me, they approached me, that's totally wrong, false. Ujjal's statement was that, was totally true.
David Akin: Grewal produced more tapes today, including a phone conversation in Punjabi with Kalia that he says backs up his claim.
Kalia says that phone conversation is taken out of context. In the meantime, the BQ and the NDP have called for an RCMP investigation (snip)
David Akin (to camera): Notably, the Conservative Party has not called in the RCMP, although they have the tapes. Grewal has more tapes, too, about four hours worth, though he won't play them for us. He won't say why and neither will party officials. As for the RCMP, they're reviewing the request. Robin.
CTV announcer: Alright, David, so let's talk about the tapes. Who exactly is controlling them, Grewal or the Conservative Party?
David Akin: Well Grewal has the tapes, but he's saying he's not allowed to play some of them at the request of the communication department of the conservative party. He says he's talked to party leadership, he won't say exactly who, he says they've been involved in this entrapment process I guess; again, he won't provide specifics about that.